“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
-Lao Tzu
It’s exciting to know that I’m changing my life. Even though I can’t wait until the “end” (normal weight), the adventure I’ll have to get there is going to shape who I become.
I’ve done this before, this way of eating and perceiving food. I was really very happy, although it was tough, obviously. I lost almost 90 pounds…and then I got pregnant.
I ate pretty healthily in the beginning, then the morning sickness started, so I had to eat every 2 hours. My food choices became increasingly sugar-filled. I packed on the pounds and gained 70 pounds back (that includes my almost 11-pound baby).
After our son was born, I lost weight rather quickly- 40 pounds in 2 weeks!
I ended up back in the hospital 3 weeks postpartum due to complications. Just my luck, an infection.
I was put on a pretty powerful antibiotic. It was to be taken every 6 hours around the clock.
I was up with our newborn son every 3 hours, and of course, his feeding schedule rarely coincided with my medicine-taking schedule. To say I was exhausted is an understatement.
Anyway, I lost all but 15 lbs from my weight before the pregnancy after getting out of the hospital. But, of course, I started packing on the pounds again month after month. I am now 15 pounds less than the heaviest I ever was.
I need to get down to business.
Week 1 Plan
Since it’s the middle of Week 1, I’ve already started the initial plan for getting back on track. I’ve decided to cut out desserts right off the bat. Today is Day 4 and I haven’t had any. Distraction is my new best friend!
That isn’t my point, though, as distraction won’t last forever. It does help though. My food thoughts haven’t come back in full swing yet, but the day will come. It’s a matter of when not if.
A big part of being a compulsive eater with binge eating disorder is the grip food has over my entire life. Food thoughts intrude on my every move, almost every minute of the day.
The beginning is here, however, and I’m ready for it.